Welcome from Minister, Ministry of Water Resources, PRC

Minister, Ministry of Water Resources, People's Republic of China

Distinguished members of the International Commission on Dams, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen:
On behalf of the organizing committee and the Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China, I sincerely invite colleagues and organizations from the international dam industry to participate in this academic event with the theme of "Common Challenges, Shared Future, Better Dams", to jointly promote scientific innovation, technological progress and high-quality development of the dam industry.
Welcome Message

Invitation from ICOLD President

President, International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)

Dear colleagues and friends of ICOLD,
On behalf of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), it’s my great honor to invite esteemed delegates from 106 National Committees of ICOLD, and specialists and experts working in the field of dams and reservoirs as well as their accompanying persons, to the 28th ICOLD World Congress in combination with the 93rd ICOLD Annual Meeting, to be held 16th – 23rd May 2025, in Chengdu, Sichuan Province of China.
Welcome Message

Welcome from CHINCOLD President

President, Chinese National Committee on Large Dams (CHINCOLD)

Dear ICOLD members, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
It is a great honor for me to invite delegates from the member countries and non-member countries of ICOLD to attend the 28th ICOLD Congress & 93rd Annual Meeting in Chengdu, Sichuan Province of China on behalf of the Chinese National Committee on Large Dams (CHINCOLD). The event will take place from May 16th to 23rd, 2025.
Welcome Message
Invited Guests
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